Unravelling the Complexities of Place of Supply Regulations in the IGST Act, 2017

Unravelling the Complexities of Place of Supply Regulations in the IGST Act, 2017

The concept of “Place of Supply” is pivotal in the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime as it determines the jurisdiction under which a particular transaction is taxable. Understanding the place of supply is crucial for correctly levying and collecting GST on the supply of goods and services, especially in cases involving interstate or international transactions.

Finding out the place of supply of a transaction is critical for determining the nature of supply under Section 7, 8 and 9 of IGST Act, 2017 (i.e. if the transaction is an interstate supply or an intra state supply) which we are well aware of.


Section 10 of IGST Act 2017 –

Place of supply of goods other than supply of goods imported into, or exported from India.

         This section deals with the place of supply of goods other than supply of goods imported into, or exported from India. This section outlines the rules for determining the place where the supply of goods is deemed to have occurred for the purpose of levying IGST


Sr no.

Nature of Supply

Place of Supply


Where the supply involves the movement of goods

Location of the goods where the movement of goods terminates for delivery


Where the goods delivered to the recipient or any person on the direction of the third person by way of transfer of title or otherwise

Principal place of business of such third person


Where there is no movement of goods either by supplier or recipient

Location of such goods at the time of delivery to the recipient


Where the goods assembled or installed

Place where goods assembled or installed


Where the goods are supplied on-board a conveyance like a vessel, aircraft, train or motor and vehicle

Place where such goods are taken on-board the conveyance


Where the place of supply to be determined in the of goods cannot be prescribed manner

To be determined in the prescribed manner by Government

Section 11 of IGST Act 2017 –

Place of supply of goods imported into, or exported from India


Nature of Supply of goods

Place of Supply



Location of importer



Location outside India


Section 12 of IGST Act 2017-

Place of supply of services where location of supplier and recipient is in India.

  1. Applicability:
    • Section 12(1) specifies that the provisions of this section apply to determine the place of supply of goods, excluding certain specific situations like supply of imported/exported goods and supply to individual consumers.
  2. General Rule (Section 12(2)):
    • The default rule for determining the place of supply of services is provided in Section 12(2). According to this rule, the place of supply of services, other than those covered under specific rules, is the location of the recipient of services.
  3. Exceptions:
    • Certain services have specific rules for determining the place of supply. For example, services related to immovable property, services provided in respect of goods that are required to be made physically available, etc., have their own rules outlined in subsequent subsections of Section 12.
  4. Specific Situations:
    • Subsequent subsections of Section 12 provide rules for specific situations where the general rule may not apply. These include services like transportation services, services related to events and performances, services provided at a fixed establishment, etc.
  5. Explanation of Place of Supply in Specific Situations:
    • Each subsection of Section 12 provides an explanation of the place of supply in 13 specific For instance, if the services are provided in respect of goods that are required to be made physically available, the place of supply could be the location where the services are performed, or where the goods are situated at the time of the performance of services, etc.


Section 13 of IGST Act 2017-

Place of supply of services where location of supplier or location of recipient is outside India

There are 9 specified services for which the place of supply is separately mentioned under this section.

  • Apart from these 9 services the general rule is:


Default provisions for cross border supply of service other than

nine specified services – Section 13 (2)

Sr. no

Description of supply

Place of supply



Location of the recipient of service

Location of the supplier of service, if location of recipient is not available


  • Place of Supply of service under Section 13 (13):Top of Form


Sr. no

Services notified

Place of supply


Specified R&D services related to pharmaceutical sector supplied by person in taxable territory to non-taxable territory

Location of recipient of services subject to fulfilment of specified conditions 


B2B repair, maintenance services of aircrafts, engines

Location of Recipient of service


B2B MRO services of ships and other vessels, engines

Location of Recipient of service


Below is the table for Specified services under section 12 and 13:

Sr. No

Nature of Service

As per Section 12

As per Section 13


Immovable property and related services including accommodation

Location where Immovable property is situated

If outside India – Location of recipient

Location where immovable property is situated



If located in more than one state

In proportion to the value of services provided in each state

Not Applicable


Restaurant, fitness, beauty treatment, etc

Place where service performed

Refer default provisions u/s 13(2) i.e. Location of Recipient


Training and Self-improvement services

B2B- location of registered person

B2C- Where service provided

Refer default provisions u/s 13(2) i.e. Location of Recipient


Entry to event or park or an event

Place where event is actually held or the Location of event

Place where event is actually held or the Location of event


Transportation of goods including mails and couriers

Location of registered person (B2B) or where goods handed (B2C)

Refer default provisions u/s 13(2) i.e. Location of Recipient


Passenger transportation

Location of registered person (B2B) or where passenger embarks (B2C)

Place where passenger embarks for a continuous Journey


Services on board a conveyance

First scheduled point of departure

First Scheduled point of departure


Financial services

Location of the recipient and if not available then of supplier

Refer default provisions u/s 13(2) i.e. Location of Recipient


Insurance services

Location of registered person (B2B) or Recipient of services (B2C)

Refer default provisions u/s 13(2) i.e. Location of Recipient


Advertisement services to government

Where adv. Is displayed and in case of multiple states, in proportionate value

Refer default provisions u/s 13(2) i.e. Location of Recipient


Telecommunication Services

Fixed Line of services- Location of such fixed equipment

Mobile/Internet services- Location of billing address

Prepaid services-

Through selling agent- Location of such Agent

Any person to final subscriber- Location where pre payment is collected

E-payment – Location of recipient


Other cases- Location of the recipient and if not available then of supplier

Refer default provisions u/s 13(2) i.e. Location of Recipient


If leased circuit is installed in multiple states

In proportion to the value of services provided

Refer default provisions u/s 13(2) i.e. Location of Recipient


Such services for which goods are to be made physically present

Refer default provisions u/s 13(2) i.e. Location of Recipient

Where Services are actually performed


Services supplied from remote location with electronic means

Refer default provisions u/s 13(2) i.e. Location of Recipient

Where goods situated when services are supplied


Services which require physical presence of the recipient or any other person on his behalf  

Refer default provisions u/s 13(2) i.e. Location of Recipient

Where Services are actually performed


Services supplied by a banking company, NBFC or similar to accounts holders, intermediary services, hiring of means of transport

Refer default provisions u/s 13(2) i.e. Location of Recipient

Place of supplier of services


Online information or retrieval services

Refer default provisions u/s 13(2) i.e. Location of Recipient

Location of recipient of service



CA Prashant Taparia

Partner   |   Email: prashant.taparia@masd.co.in  |   LinkedIn Profile

Vaishvi Parekh

Associate Consultant   |   Email: vaishvi.parekh@masd.co.in  | LinkedIn Profile

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